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Promotionsstellen: Programm „LIMES – the hardening and softening of borders“

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Im Rahmen des PhD-Programms LIMES (EU: Horizon 2020) sind an der Universität Maastricht derzeit mehrere Promotionsstellen an Kandidat*innen aus den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften zu vergeben. LIMES widmet sich dem Themenbereich der innereuropäischen Grenzen in einer globalisierten Welt.

Zwei der angebotenen Stellen sind für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen aus dem Bereich der niederländischen Sprachwissenschaft von Interesse, und zwar:

  • Educational borders: multilingualism or not (1 fte), Kurzbeschreibung: „This project focusses on the earliest language socialisation processes in kindergartens in border areas in Germany (Westmünsterland and Niederrhein) and the Netherlands (for instance Venlo, Kerkrade, Vaals). The general question is whether kindergartens in border areas in Germany (Kita) and in the Netherlands (peuterspeelzalen) reflect nation-state monolingual ideologies and practices and as such hamper cross-border communication (hardening national borders). Locations in which cross-border contacts and communication constitute an important aspect of people’s linguistic regional identity, and places with extensive cross-border migration will be examined.“
  • Linguistic and cultural borders: transparent or not (1 fte), Kurzbeschreibung: „In this project, the focus will be on how coal miners’ languages and cultures in the former mining region north of Aachen in Germany (Low German/German speaking) and the Eastern Mine District with Heerlen as its centre in the Netherlands (Dutch/dialect speaking) are taken up in new contexts with new actors, how they are authenticated and legitimated during public events that are considered unique for the region. These two neighbouring areas are separated by a national border but share a common coal mining past and a common linguistic past.“

Bewerbungsschluss ist jeweils der 30. September 2019.

Im Bewerbungskontext ist folgende Mobility Rule zu beachten: „Researchers may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the Netherlands (country of employment) for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before 30 September 2019.“


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