An der Universität Utrecht ist im Rahmen des NWO-Projekts ‚Uncovering Joyful Culture: Parodic Literature and Practices in and around the Low Countries (13th-17th centuries)‘ ab dem 1. März 2016 folgende Stelle zu besetzen:
PhD-candidate ‚Late Medieval and Early Modern Literary Culture (French & Dutch)‘ (1,0 FTE)
“ As a PhD-student, you will carry out the subproject ‘The joyful summons in Europe: production, circulation and transformations of a literary genre (13th-17th centuries)’ which is aimed at studying a corpus of literary texts in manuscripts and prints in French, with a comparative approach of texts in other languages (Dutch, English and German), in order to establish the main features of this parodic genre, its variations across time, space and language, as well as its possible reception in pre-modern society. (…)“ (Zitat aus der Stellenausschreibung)
Die Stellenausschreibung ist über einsehbar sowie über das Stellenportal der Universität Utrecht .
Bewerbungen sind noch bis zum 30.11.2015 möglich.