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Stellenangebot [Wageningen, Deadline 28.10.2012]: 2 PhD positions – Colonial economic and social history

Zitat aus der Stellenbeschreibung:

„The Rural and Environmental History Group at Wageningen University offers two PhD positions related to the recently acquired NWO-Vidi Project “Industriousness in an imperial economy”.

This project aims to explain historical changes in women’s and children’s work patterns and households’ time allocation in the Netherlands and in the Netherlands Indies from the perspective that examines reciprocal effects of colonial interactions. The hypothesis is that enhanced imperial connections in the period between 1830 and 1940 greatly affected the work patterns of households, both in the metropole and the colony. The proposed study will investigate to what extent, and how, mutual influences led to changes in household work patterns and time allocation in the Netherlands and the Netherlands-Indies, by using the approach of ‘entangled histories’ or histoire croisée. […]“

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