Mit Hilfe seiner FID-Lizenzen ermöglicht der FID Benelux der Benelux-Fachcommunity in ganz Deutschland einen Zugang zu lizenzpflichtigen elektronischen Produkten wie E-Zeitschriften, E-Books und Datenbanken.
In diesem Rahmen kann der FID nun mit einem attraktiven E-Book-Paket aufwarten. Dabei handelt es sich um 111 E-Books mit Benelux-Bezug aus dem Verlagsangebot des niederländischen Wissenschaftsverlags Brill. Dieses E-Book-Paket wird zukünftig noch um einige weitere aktuelle Brill-Titel ergänzt werden.
Es folgt eine Liste der momentan verfügbaren E-Books:
Titel |
Dutch and British Colonial Intervention in Sri Lanka, 1780-1815 |
9789047418993 |
Dutch East India Company Merchants at the Court of Ayutthaya |
9789047419860 |
Silk for Silver |
9789047421696 |
The Archives of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the Local Institutions in Batavia (Jakarta) |
9789047421795 |
The Dutch East India Company’s Tea Trade with China, 1757-1781 |
9789047411833 |
The Colonial ‚Civilizing Process‘ in Dutch Formosa, 1624-1662 |
9789047442974 |
Fort Cochin in Kerala, 1750-1830 |
9789004190252 |
In the Shadow of the Company: The Dutch East India Company and its Servants in the Period of its Decline (1740-1796) |
9789004235830 |
Dutch Scholarship in the Age of Empire and Beyond |
9789004260368 |
Islam, Colonialism and the Modern Age in the Netherlands East Indies |
9789004278707 |
Bali in the Early Nineteenth Century |
9789004315839 |
Revisiting the Synod of Dordt (1618-1619) |
9789004210509 |
Le magasin de l’univers – The Dutch Republic as the Centre of the European Book Trade |
9789004246805 |
British Travellers in Holland during the Stuart Period |
9789004246942 |
Erasmus and the Middle Ages |
9789004247598 |
Ruusbroec |
9789047420521 |
Public Opinion and Changing Identities in the Early Modern Netherlands |
9789047411604 |
Montaigne and the Low Countries (1580-1700) |
9789047419815 |
Republicans |
9789047431114 |
Models of Charitable Care: Catholic Nuns and Children in their Care in Amsterdam, 1852-2002 |
9789047442707 |
The Reach of the Republic of Letters: Literary and Learned Societies in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (2 vols.) |
9789047442189 |
Dutch Messengers: A History of Science Publishing, 1930-1980 |
9789047424154 |
Going Dutch |
9789047432227 |
The Legend of St Brendan |
9789047442806 |
The Rise and Decline of Dutch Technological Leadership (2 vols) |
9789047443322 |
The Dutch Intersection |
9789047442141 |
Petrus van Mastricht (1630-1706) |
9789047442905 |
Humanism in an Age of Science |
9789047430292 |
Literacy in Everyday Life |
9789047430841 |
Myth in History, History in Myth |
9789047440697 |
Trading Places |
9789047428879 |
The Limbourg Brothers |
9789047428572 |
Servants of the Kingdom |
9789004193505 |
May 1940 |
9789004187276 |
Inventing Luxembourg |
9789004188815 |
Networks, Regions and Nations |
9789047444749 |
The Dutch Trading Companies as Knowledge Networks |
9789004193567 |
The Navigator |
9789004189331 |
Netherlandish Books (NB) (2 Vols.) |
9789004216600 |
The Kaleidoscopic Scholarship of Hadrianus Junius (1511-1575) |
9789004209206 |
Negotiating Differences |
9789004210639 |
Reading the Book of Nature in the Dutch Golden Age, 1575-1715 |
9789004191204 |
(Un)masking the Realities of Power |
9789004191839 |
Pamphlets and Politics in the Dutch Republic |
9789004191983 |
Dutch and Portuguese in Western Africa |
9789004206908 |
Small Powers in the Age of Total War, 1900-1940 |
9789004204331 |
Graphic Satire and Religious Change |
9789004215115 |
Disputation by Decree |
9789004188808 |
Secularisation and the Leiden Circle |
9789004209572 |
Abraham Kuyper: An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010 |
9789004214972 |
Conventional Correspondence |
9789004211070 |
‘News from the Republick of Letters’ |
9789004228160 |
Brothers in Arms, Partners in Trade |
9789004215160 |
Guarded Neutrality |
9789004249066 |
Een zwarte vrijstaat in Suriname (deel 2) |
9789004255494 |
Defending Neutrality |
9789004252509 |
Rape in the Republic, 1609-1725 |
9789004256668 |
Publishing Policies and Family Strategies |
9789004257955 |
Coordination in Transition |
9789004272583 |
Pedlars and the Popular Press |
9789004252851 |
Belgium’s Dilemma |
9789004269736 |
From Ghent to Aix |
9789004276840 |
Jesuit Books in the Dutch Republic and its Generality Lands 1567-1773 |
9789004272057 |
Dutch Typography in the Sixteenth Century |
9789004256552 |
The Twelve Years Truce (1609) |
9789004274921 |
Not Dead Things |
9789004253063 |
Geweld in de West |
9789004257184 |
Europe within Reach |
9789004293335 |
Hugo Grotius |
9789004281790 |
Memory Wars in the Low Countries, 1566-1700 |
9789004300491 |
White Lies and Black Markets |
9789004283350 |
Small Countries in a Big Power World: The Belgian-Dutch Conflict at Versailles, 1919 |
9789004331563 |
St. Jacob’s Antwerp Art and Counter Reformation in Rubens’s Parish Church |
9789004311886 |
Exile Memories and the Dutch Revolt |
9789004315914 |
Women and Crime in Early Modern Holland |
9789004314122 |
Rosa Manus (1881-1942) |
9789004333185 |
Dutch and Flemish Newspapers of the Seventeenth Century (2 Vols.) |
9789004341890 |
Mytho-poetics at Work |
9789004345850 |
Public Finance of the Dutch Republic in Comparative Perspective |
9789004341289 |
The Religious Cultures of Dutch Jewry |
9789004343160 |
Hugo Grotius Mare Liberum 1609-2009 |
9789047430452 |
The Voice of the Law in Transition |
9789004253964 |
Lachen, huilen, bevrijden |
9789004249127 |
The Stranger-Kings of Sikka |
9789004253773 |
Dutch Colonialism, Migration and Cultural Heritage |
9789004253889 |
Verguisd en vergeten (3 vols.) |
9789004254039 |
The Spell of Power |
9789004253759 |
The Sumatra Railroad |
9789004253711 |
Een zwarte vrijstaat in Suriname |
9789004253667 |
Bridges to New Business |
9789004253971 |
Catholics in Indonesia, 1808-1942 |
9789004254022 |
Linking Destinies |
9789004253995 |
The Politics of Redress |
9789004253735 |
Nationalists, Soldiers and Separatists |
9789004253957 |
Mapping the Acehnese Past |
9789004253599 |
Images of the Tropics |
9789004253605 |
Een leven in de West |
9789004253797 |
Creole Jews |
9789004253704 |
Het geheim van Paleis Kneuterdijk |
9789004253933 |
The Genitive Case in Dutch and German |
9789004183285 |
The Dutch Language in Britain (1550-1702) |
9789004285217 |
Neue Sachlichkeit and Avant-Garde |
9789401209090 |
Dutch Racism |
9789401210096 |
The Dutch Legacy: Radical Thinkers of the 17th Century and the Enlightenment |
9789004332089 |
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2001 |
9789004334038 |
Cultures of Child Health in Britain and the Netherlands in the Twentieth Century |
9789004333567 |
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2002 |
9789004334441 |
Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2000 |
9789004333901 |
Sources for the Mutual History of Ghana and the Netherlands |
9789047421894 |
War, Capital, and the Dutch State (1588-1795) |
9789004302518 |
The Dutch and German Communist Left (1900–68) |
9789004325937 |
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Mehr Informationen über das aktuelle Gesamtangebot des FID Benelux an FID-Lizenzen erhalten Sie hier.
Nachtrag 12.06.2019
Mittlerweile wurden vier weitere aktuelle Brill-E-Book-Titel in das Portfolio des FID aufgenommen. Mehr dazu lesen Sie in diesem Blogbeitrag.
Nachtrag 07.01.2020
Das E-Book-Paket Benelux / Low Countries Studies wurde um zwei neue Titel aus dem Jahr 2019 ergänzt. Mehr dazu
Pingback: FID-Lizenzen: Vier Neuzugänge bei den Brill E-Books | FID Benelux
Pingback: Open Access: Women and Gender in the Early Modern Low Countries | FID Benelux