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Open Access: Plotlines of Victimhood. The Holocaust in German and Dutch history textbooks, 1960-2010

Unter dem Titel Plotlines of Victimhood. The Holocaust in German and Dutch history textbooks, 1960-2010 hat Marc van Berkel seine Dissertation an der Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam aus dem Jahr 2017 als Open-Access-Ausgabe veröffentlicht. Hierin fragt er, inwiefern sich die narrativen Darstellungen in den Erzählsträngen über Opfer des Holocaust in deutschen und niederländischen Schulbüchern zwischen 1960 und 2010 verändert haben.

Zitat aus dem Klappentext:

„Before the 1960s, most history textbooks in Western Europe hardly contained any information about the ‘Holocaust’. This was partly because contemporary history still was a rudimentary part of the history curriculum. In addition, many teachers and textbook authors did not seem to be willing to discuss the persecutions of the Jews in class. Other (military) aspects of the Second World War gained more attention. Anno 2017, the situation has changed completely: the Holocaust has become one of the most important historical themes in the national curricula of many (western) countries. In 2010 (the last year of my research period), National Socialism and the Holocaust have become mandatory parts of the secondary education curricula in Germany and the Netherlands. In this dissertation I have studied fifty years of narrating the Holocaust in history textbooks for upper secondary education, published between 1960 and 2010, in North Rhine-Westphalia (one of the federal states of Germany) and the Netherlands. Although the number of Holocaust studies has increased sharply since the 1990s, comparative research into the Holocaust in education and textbooks is scarce.“

Hier geht es zur Open-Access-Ausgabe Plotlines of Victimhood. The Holocaust in German and Dutch history textbooks, 1960-2010.

Hier geht’s zur Rezension des Titels für H-Soz-Kult von Christina Isabel Brüning.

Hier können Sie den Radiobeitrag Is het holocaustonderwijs nog van het juiste niveau? mit Marc van Berkel, Karen Polak (Anne Frank Stichting) und Dennis Koolmoes (Geschichtslehrer) aus der Sendereihe „Dit is de Dag“ auf NPO Radio 1 anhören.


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