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  • Niederlandistik, Niederlande-, Belgien- und Luxemburgforschung
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Call for Papers [Deadline 07.06.2018]: „Where do we go from here?“ [Brüssel, 13.09.2018]

Am 13. September 2018 findet am Campus Brussel der KU Leuven das eintägige Symposium „Where do we go from here?” statt. Inhaltlich beschäftigt es sich mit den belgischen Flüchtlingen während des Ersten Weltkriegs.

Aus dem CfP:

„The aim of this one-day symposium is […] to position the displacement and temporary settlement of Belgian refugees during the First World War within a double framework. Firstly, within the context of the Centenary period and its local projects or academic output papers are invited that expand existing knowledge and/or that provide context and analysis to ongoing research. Secondly, the symposium aims to open up new pathways into the histories of the respective Belgian refugee communities, more in particular within a comparative context or with a focus on legacy.

Papers are welcomed that provide a perspective on existing research, elaborate on ongoing projects or uncover further primary sources on Belgian refugees. Papers can be holistic as well as interdisciplinary, taking from research such as memory studies, reception studies, trauma studies and linguistic research, but not exclusively. Although the conference aims to reflect on past (hi)stories, contributions that relate historical research Belgian refugees to current-day refugee situations are equally encouraged to submit. The event will very likely focus mainly on Belgian refugees in exile in the UK and on those in the Netherlands.“

Beitragsvorschläge können noch bis zum 7. Juni 2018 eingereicht werden.

Zum Call for Papers

Leo Gestel: Vluchtende Belgen, 1914

Bildnachweis: Leo Gestel [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
