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  • Niederlandistik, Niederlande-, Belgien- und Luxemburgforschung
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BELGIUM WWII – Eine virtuelle Plattform zum Zweiten Weltkrieg

Wie das CegeSoma mitteilte, wird bei ihnen zur Zeit im Bereich Public History auf Hochtouren an einer neuen virtuellen Plattform zum Zweiten Weltkrieg namens „BELGIUM WWII“ gearbeitet, die gegen Ende September 2017 online gehen soll.

Aus dem Ankündigungstext:

At a time when reliable information on sensitive subjects seems more important than ever, CegeSoma is developing a virtual platform on Belgium and its inhabitants during the Second World War. […][…][…]

Today, answers to questions are mostly looked for online. Through digital media, this federal project wants to provide the three language communities with quality information on our wartime history. The website will be online at the end of September 2017 with multilingual content (Dutch, French and partly German) on two main themes:

  • Collaboration and repression. The website wants to shed some light on this delicate subject, while trying to defuse and explain it. The purpose is to dispel the myths that still dominate this issue.
  • Justice. The functioning of the Belgian justice is confronted with the justice of the German occupier. How did the occupier intend to maintain order in the country ? Did he receive help of the Belgian magistrates?

At a later stage, Belgium WWII wants to raise other issues, such as daily life and food supply in time of war, the resistance…“

Hier können Sie mehr über das Projekt „BELGIUM WWII“ erfahren.

Das Gebäude des CEGESOMA am Luchtvaartsquare/Square de l’Aviation in Brüssel

Bildnachweis: von Brigade Piron (Eigenes Werk) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
