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Call for Papers [Deadline 30.09.2016]: Parchment, Paper and Pixels. Medieval Writing and Modern Technology [Maastricht, 02.02.2017 – 03.02.2017]

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Huygens ING und dem Regionaal Historisch Centrum Limburg findet am 2. und 3. Februar 2017 in Maastricht die zweite internationale Konferenz des Arbeitskreises „Writing and Writing Practices in the Medieval Low Countries“ mit dem Titel „Parchment, Paper and Pixels. Medieval Writing and Modern Technology“ statt.

Aus der Ankündigung:

„This conference aims to examine possibilities for collaboration between scholars of medieval sources and those in the digital sciences. Key questions addressed during the conference include: How do traditional (analogue) methods relate to new (digital) tools? Will digital analysis be the major focus of future research in the field? Which lines of inquiry and digital projects have proven successful, and which appear less fruitful? How may we ensure the longevity of our digital tools and editions?

Building on the successes in the field and the allure of research prospects to be developed in the future, this symposium aims to provide a platform of discussion for junior and senior scholars who include digital tools in their research, or who are interested in doing so. Scholars of diplomatics, palaeography and codicology are invited to share their practical experience or present their take on future research in twenty-minute papers.“

Vorschläge für Vorträge können bis zum 30. September 2016 bei Els De Paermentier eingereicht werden.

Zum Call for Papers

Unknown Flemish artist: "Translator addressing his master on a road", illumination on parchment, late 15th Century. From Latin text of Historia de preliis Alexandri Magni (‘The History of Alexander’s Battles’, J1 version, National Library of Wales).

Unknown Flemish artist: „Translator addressing his master on a road“, illumination on parchment, late 15th Century. From Latin text of Historia de preliis Alexandri Magni (‘The History of Alexander’s Battles’, J1 version, National Library of Wales).

Bildnachweis: By Unknown Flemish artist [ public domain CC0], via Wikimedia Commons
