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Forschungsstipendium [Deadline 15.03.2015]: Johan Huizinga Fund Fellowship – Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Im Rahmen des ‚Rijksmuseum Research Fellowship Programme‘ gibt es nunmehr auch das 6-monatige ‚Johan Huizinga Fund Fellowship‘, welches es Historikern/ Historikerinnen ermöglicht, ihre Forschung an Objekten der Sammlung des Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam auszurichten:

„The Johan Huizinga Fund offers outstanding postgraduate candidates the opportunity to conduct historical research into objects in the Rijksmuseum collection. Candidates are invited to submit a research proposal that draws on these objects as subject material and as sources of information. The Johan Huizinga Fund Fellowship is awarded annually and comprises a grant of €16,500 (before tax) for a six-month period during which the candidate is expected to conclude the research and produce a manuscript of approximately 15,000 words in length. Manuscripts found to be of suitable quality will appear as part of the newly launched publication series Rijksmuseum Studies in History.“ (Zitat von der Website Rijksmuseum Research Fellowship Programme)

Bewerbungsschluss für dieses Forschungsstipendium ist der 15.03.2015. Mehr Informationen …


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