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Call for Proposals [Deadline 14.03.2015]: The Changing Face of Medieval Dutch Narrative Literature in the Early Period of Print

Vom 26. bis 27. November 2015 findet an der Universiteit Antwerpen die zweite Expertentagung des Forschungsprojekts The changing face of medieval Dutch narrative literature in the early period of print (1477-c. 1540) (FWO-NWO) statt. Das Projektteam bittet hierfür um Beitragsvorschläge. Zitat aus dem Call for Proposals:

„(…) Medieval narratives were often heavily adapted when they went to press. In our corpus of texts, these textual transformations include changes of content, abbreviations, amplifications, the change from verse to prose, and the insertion of verse passages. In order to make their editions attractive and accessible, printers across Europe made use of paratextual elements such as title pages, prologues, chapter headings, tables of contents and illustrations, which could also result in changes with regard to contents. These textual transformations and presentation strategies are the subject of the project’s second expert meeting, which will take place in Antwerp, November 26-27, 2015. This two-day meeting will take the form of discussions on the basis of written contributions. Each participant will be asked to reflect on the findings of a fellow contributor. (…)“

Einsendeschluss für die Beitragsvorschläge ist der 14. März 2015.

Zum Call for Proposals (pdf)



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