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Call for Papers: Workshops „The diaries of Anne Frank“. Contextualisation – Reception – Representations

Zitat aus dem Call for Papers:

„While much of the research on Anne Frank has focused on important issues like the authenticity of the diaries, the Lichtenberg-Kolleg at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and the Fritz Bauer Institute at the University of Frankfurt jointly developed a new research project to open up a range of additional and new perspectives. Here, the planned historical-critical edition as well as an accompanying research monograph will explore the history of Anne Frank and her diaries within the framework of a more comparative European, if not global cultural, intellectual, literary and political history.
In addition to a number of fellows working at the Lichtenberg-Kolleg on issues of contextualisation, reception and representation of the diaries, we also plan to explore these questions in-depth during three workshops that will be held in September 2014 (‚Contextualisation‘), April 2015 (‚Reception‘) and September 2015 (‚Representations‘) respectively.“

Workshop 1 findet in Florenz statt, Workshop 2  in Sussex; der Ort für Workshop wird noch bekanntgegeben.

Die Deadlines für den CFP, der sich an Nachwuchswissenschaftler richtet, sind wie folgt: 15.03.2014 (Workshop 1)  sowie 01.05. 2014 (Workshops 2 und 3).

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