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Call for Papers [Konferenz, Utrecht, 24.04.-26.04.2013]: Performances of Peace – Utrecht 1713-2013

Der Fachbereich Geschichte der Universität Utrecht und die Werkgroep 18e Eeuw organisieren vom 24.04.-26.04.2013 eine Konferenz zum Frieden von Utrecht:

„This conference aims to rethink the significance of the Peace of Utrecht by exploring the nexus between culture and politics. For too long, cultural and political historians have studied early modern international relations in isolation. By studying the political as well as the cultural aspects of this peace (and its concomitant paradoxes) from a broader perspective, this conference aims to shed new light on the relation between diplomacy and performative culture in the public sphere. […]“(Zitat aus dem Call for Papers)

Die Deadline für das Einsenden von Beitragsvorschlägen ist der 01.05.2012.  Mehr Informationen zum Call for Papers: Performances of Peace Utrecht 1713-2013 | Zur Konferenzwebsite

Bildnachweis: The_Treaty_of_Utrecht.jpg:RedCoat10 at en.wikipediaderivative work: Angel paez (The_Treaty_of_Utrecht.jpg) [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons


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