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Jahresprogramm „Seminar on Low Countries History“ in London

Logo Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London

Im Studienjahr 2019-20 finden am Institute of Historical Research in London (IHR) wieder zahlreiche Vorträge im Rahmen des „Seminar on Low Countries History“ statt:

  • Jonas van Tol (Universiteit van Amsterdam): William of Orange and the French Wars of Religion (27.09.2019)
  • Karen Hollewand (Universiteit Utrecht): Sex and scholarship: the banishment of Hadriaan Beverland (11.10.2019)
  • Anne Goldgar (King’s College London): Marketing Arctic knowledge: travel literature and the passions in the seventeenth century (22.11.2019)
  • Daniel Margócsy (University of Cambridge): A Disease of ships and intestines: a maritime history of worms (17.01.2020)
  • Mark Ponte (Stadsarchief Amsterdam): „All blacks that come to this city“. An Afro-Atlantic community in seventeenth-century Amsterdam (31.01.2020)
  • Jelle van Lottum (Huygens ING, Amsterdam): Labour migration to the Dutch Republic: a maritime perspective (14.02.2020)
  • Ad Putter (University of Bristol): The Dutch Hat Makers of Medieval London (13.03.2020)
  • Freya Sierhuis (University of York): A Dutch Sonderweg? Geerard Brandt’s Historie der Reformatie and the struggle for the identity of the Dutch Republic (27.03.2020)
  • Margaret Schotte (York University, Ontario): „Paper Sailors“: Competing Notions of Expertise in Dutch Nautical Manuals (01.05.2020)
  • Michael Depreter (University of Oxford): The Count of Flanders, the Towns, and England. Patterns of Competing and Complementary Diplomacies in Times of Revolt (14th-15th c.) (15.05.2020)

Alle Vorträge finden freitags um 17:15 Uhr statt. Veranstaltungsort ist der Wolfson Room I (Erdgeschoss) im IHR, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU.

Hier finden Sie mehr Informationen zum „Seminar on Low Countries History

Bildnachweis: By Institute of Historical Research [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


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