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Workshop [Maastricht, 12.01.2018]: Sociolinguistics. Language, place and belonging

Am 12. Januar 2018 findet am Lehrstuhl Language culture in Limburg der Universiteit Maastricht der Workshop Sociolinguistics. Language, place and belonging statt.

Aus dem Programm:

  • Pia Quist (Københavns Universitet): The Copenhagen Language and Place Project: New Insights
  • Jolien Makkinga (Universiteit Maastricht/Meertens Instituut): “Hi Honey”: address terms in a nursing home and belonging
  • Nantke Pecht (Universiteit Maastricht): Mixed language practices in a former mining district: The case of Eisden- Cité
  • Charles van Leeuwen (Universiteit Maastricht): Regional identity in Limburgian songs: some patterns
  • Lysbeth Jongbloed (Universiteit Maastricht/Fryske Akademy): Local identity construction on social media
  • Pomme van de Weerd (Universiteit Maastricht): Social categorization and linguistic identification among vocational school pupils in Venlo
  • Barbara Johnstone (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh): How I Got Interested in Language and Place

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