Für diejenigen unter Ihnen, die sich mit historischer Umweltforschung befassen, gibt es eine neue Open-Access-Zeitschrift: das Journal for the History of Environment and Society (JHES), erschienen bei Brepols.
Das JHES ist der Nachfolger des belgisch-niederländischen Jaarboek voor Ecologische Geschiedenis (Gent: Academia Press).
Im Mission Statement der Zeitschrift heißt es u.a.:
„The Journal aims to be a leading on-line and open-access magazine that covers various aspects of environmental history in the broadest sense of the word. Emphasis is upon studies which focus on the historical relations between environmental changes and the social-historical context. Interregional and international comparative articles are getting special attention.
Contributions should be of high scientific quality. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the discipline, papers should be easy-to-read for all disciplines of the field, which ensures their accessibility to a wider audience as well. To ensure scientific quality, JHES follows a strict double-blind peer-review procedure.
Geographically, the Journal is primarily – but not exclusively – focusing on NW-Europe including areas that had historical relations with that broad region. Articles with a more general geographic scope can also be published in the Journal.“
Über das JHES-Archiv sind auch die Inhaltsangaben aller Ausgaben des Jaarboek voor Ecologische Geschiedenis auffindbar.
Hier geht es zur aktuellen Ausgabe von JHES.
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