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Call for Papers [Deadline 9.8.2016]: Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean and Indonesian Archipelago Worlds (16th to 19th Century). New Research, Results and Comparisons [Amsterdam, 10.11.2016 – 11.11.2016]

Am 10. und 11. November 2016 findet am Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis in Amsterdam ein Workshop mit dem Titel „Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean and Indonesian Archipelago Worlds (16th to 19th Century). New Research, Results and Comparisons“ statt.

Aus der Ankündigung:

„Recent years have witnessed an expanding body of scholarship indicating that the importance of slave trade and slavery in early modern maritime Asia. This challenges the dominant attention for Atlantic slavery, but also urges scholars to reassess our perspectives on the history of slavery in Asia. The character and size of the slave trade in different parts of the Indian Ocean and Indonesian Archipelago Worlds have a pivotal role in this. In the wake of a number of path-breaking studies, new historical research has sparked off on the slave trade in different parts of maritime Asia.“

Vorschläge für Vorträge können bis zum 9. August 2016 bei Matthias van Rossum eingereicht werden.

Zum Call for Papers

Karte von Niederländisch-Indien (William Dampier, 1697)

Bildnachweis: [Public domain] , via Wikimedia Commons
