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Stellenausschreibung [Göttingen, Deadline 31.01.2014]: Lichtenberg-Kolleg Anne Frank Fellowships

Zitat aus der Stellenausschreibung:

„The Lichtenberg-Kolleg, the Goettingen Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Fritz Bauer Institute Frankfurt invite applications for up to 3 Junior Research Fellowships.
For the coming years Martin van Gelderen, director of the Lichtenberg-Kolleg, and Raphael Gross, director of the Fritz Bauer Institute, will set up an international and interdisciplinary research team to prepare a new multilingual critical edition of the diaries of Anne Frank and a joint research monograph that will put the diaries in a variety of comparative, literary and historical perspectives and explore readings and receptions. […]

The deadline is 31 January 2014.“

Zum Stellenangebot …


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