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Stellenangebot [Utrecht, Deadline 17.01.2014]: PhD-position in Medieval History

Innerhalb des Projektes Mind over Matter. Debates about relics as sacred objects, c. 350-c. 1150 ist an der Universität Utrecht folgende Stelle zu vergeben:

PhD-position in Medieval History (1.0 fte)

Zitat aus der Stellenbeschreibung:

„You will be responsible for project 3, and focus on one particular saint’s cult, namely the cult of Willibrord, an Anglo-Saxon monk now famous as ‘the apostle of the Frisians’. You will use the wealth of sources, both textual and material, to investigate for this particular case-study the interaction between the practice of relic cults and learned debates on holy objects, in particular relics.“

Bewerbungen sind bis zum 17.01.2014 einzureichen.

Zur Stellenausschreibung …


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