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Stellenangebot [Maastricht, Deadline 17.12.2013]: PhD Candidate, project „The transnational dynamics of social and legal reform, 1815-1914“

An der Universität Maastricht ist folgende Doktorandenstelle zu vergeben: PhD Candidate in the international project The transnational dynamics of social and legal reform, 1815-1914. Zitat aus der Stellenausschreibung:

„The PhD-candidate’s main task is to write a dissertation within the international project ‘The transnational dynamics of social and legal reform, 1815-1914’, cofounded by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the ‘Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks’ – BRAIN-be. Building on the latest innovations in digital humanities, network analysis, and elaborating a newly developed Virtual Research Environment for the study of international organizations, this project opens new perspectives on the history of social reform in the period 1815-1914, with a special emphasis on the Low Countries. The project shows the ways in which local and national welfare policies and legal regimes emerged in this period and demonstrates that such innovations were deeply embedded in transnational networks. […]“

Bewerbungsfrist ist der 17.12.2013.

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