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Stellenangebot [Gent, Deadline 1.12.2013]: PhD-Stelle für Historiker/in

Die Arbeitsgruppe „Social History since 1750“ an der Universität Gent hat zum Februar 2014 eine Doktorandenstelle im Projekt „Notions of honor and shame among Belgian military during the First World War“ zu vergeben.

Aus der Ausschreibung:

    „Combat experience during the First World War led to particular needs for recognition among the military. Being exposed to the military setting and particularly to the intense deprivations of war (not least the real risk of being killed) generated expectations of being respected that, at least partially, diverged from the behavioral standards of mutual respect regulating civilian life in peace time. When these particular standards of respect were not met, various emotional states resulted, for example resentment, a specific form of anger in emotion theory. When they these expectations were met, veterans felt pride and honor. Shame occured when soldiers feared a loss of honor. Since honor and shame emerge through the interactions with and within social groups, these notions are highly dynamic social constructs. Despite the centrality of states of honor, pride, resentment, humiliation and shame to a combatant’s life, they have yet to be systematically studied and they are therefore the central topic in our research project.“

Die Stellenausschreibung und alle relevanten Informationen zum Projekt finden Sie hier.


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