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Call for Papers: New histories of the Irish, English, Scots, Dutch and other colleges founded on the continent in the early modern period

Vom 19.06.-20.06.2014 findet in Limerick die Collegial Communities in Exile-Konferenz New histories of the Irish, English, Scots, Dutch and other colleges founded on the continent in the early modern period statt, für die jetzt Beiträge erbeten werden.  Zitat aus dem Call for Papers:

„Early modern Europe witnessed the large-scale migration of peoples for religious, political, economic, social and other reasons. This important feature of European history has received sustained attention from scholars in recent decades as research has increasingly pointed to the transnational nature of early modern societies. One of the striking features of early modern Catholic migration, especially from Ireland, England and Scotland, was the establishment of national ‘colleges’ on the continent to facilitate the formation and education of clerical and lay students. […] Leuven and other cities witnessed the foundation of Dutch Colleges, while Rome saw a dramatic increase in the number of colleges hosting foreign students. The importance of the colleges has long been recognised by historians, but their histories have too often been located within isolated national or confessional historiographical traditions. Far from exile outposts, the colleges were dynamic focal points of migrant communities. This conference seeks to re-conceptualise the colleges in a comparative framework by exploring the histories of Irish, English, Scots, Dutch, Roman and other colleges together and by drawing parallels with educational institutions established by other religious minorities and refugees.“

Die Deadline für das Einreichen von Beitragsvorschlägen ist der 16.01.2014.

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