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Stellenangebot [KU Leuven, Deadline 28.07.2013]: Postdoc position in the cultural history of science and medicine – KU Leuven

An der KU Leuven wird im Rahmen der Forschungsgruppe Cultuurgeschiedenis vanaf 1750 zum 01.10.2013 eine Postdoc-Stelle ausgeschrieben. Hier ein Zitat aus der Stellenbeschreibung:

„The postdoctoral researcher will be involved in two research projects in the cultural history of science and medicine. The first project, ‚Anatomy, scientific authority and the visualized body in medicine and culture‘ investigates the ways in which human anatomy gained and/or lost prestige and visibility within the medical and the broader educational and cultural field in Belgium between 1780 and 1930. The postdoctoral researcher will focus his/her research on a transnational aspect of the research project and organize an international conference on the transnational circulation of anatomical knowledge and visual representations. The candidate will work in a team with two PhD- researchers and four staff members (Kaat Wils, Raf De Bont, Jo Tollebeek, Geert Vanpaemel)

The second project, which has its main seat at the University of Stockholm and a partner research center at the University of Groningen,  is entitled ‚Scientific Personae in Cultural Encounters in Twentieth Century Europe‘ (SPICE). The main objective of this project is to analyze the historical construction of scientific personae through scientific travel and international exchange in a sample of representative countries from the European ‚periphery‘, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden. The candidate will be the main researcher for the Belgian case, and will be involved in the activities of the international research team, together with the Leuven promoter Kaat Wils.“

Bewerbungen können bis zum 28.07.2013 eingereicht werden.

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