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Call for Papers [Deadline 15.10.2013]: Armed Forces in Times of Decolonization (1940-1974), Paris, 05.-07.02.2014

Das Deutsche Historische Institut in Paris richtet vom 05.02. bis zum 07.02.2014 die Tagung Armed Forces in Times of Decolonization(1940-1974) aus. Zitat aus dem Call for Papers:

„Over the last twenty years, military history has increasingly focused on social and economic, cultural or political aspects of warfare. Following a workshop in November 2012, this conference aims to contribute to this historiographical trend by combining the most innovative research currently devoted to military history and decolonisation.
From the Second World War to the end of the Portuguese colonial wars, the European armed forces (British, Belgian, French, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese) were confronted with new experiences of war and politics.
The objective of this conference is to better understand how decolonisation could transform the institutions, ideas and practices of the armed forces during and after these wars of independence.“

Die Deadline für das Einreichen von Beitragsvorschlägen ist der 15.10.2013.

> Zum Call for Papers …


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