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  • Niederlandistik, Niederlande-, Belgien- und Luxemburgforschung
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Tagung (Rotterdam, 21.-23.3.2013): 4th Transnational Rhine Conference

    „After three fruitful conferences in Rotterdam (2009), Frankfurt am Main (2010) and Bochum (2011), a fourth Transnational Rhine Conference will be organized in Rotterdam from 21 to 23 March 2013. The forthcoming conference seeks to analyse the long-term impact of globalization and war on the institutions in the Rhine region. In the last two hundred years, periods of openness and cross border collaboration in the region alternated with periods of conflict and war.“ (Aus der Ankündigung auf H-Soz-u-Kult, 11.2.2013)

Die 4th Transnational Rhine Conference „Crossing the Rhine. Globalisation and the Impact of War on the Rhine Economy“ findet vom 21.-23.3.2013 im Maritime Museum Rotterdam statt.

Mehr Informationen auf H-Soz-u-Kult.


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