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  • Niederlandistik, Niederlande-, Belgien- und Luxemburgforschung
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Tagung [Nimwegen, 14.02.2013]: A bunch of books. Book collections in the medieval Low Countries

„Due to the überlieferungsgeschichtliche Methode and New Philology, the idea that the meaning of texts is determined by the material context in which they are preserved has become central to the study of historical literature in the Low Countries. However, this approach has mainly inspired researchers …



Stellenangebot [Gent, Deadline 28.02.2013): PhD Studentship in Comparative Literature: Painting Themselves – A Transnational Approach to National Self-Portraiture

Zitat aus der Stellenausschreibung: „Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD fellowship in the Department of Literary Studies at Ghent University, tenable for a period of up to four years. The successful candidate will participate in the project “Painting Themselves: A Transnational Approach to National …



„Vanished Kingdoms“ – Norman Davies im Museum BELvue Brüssel

Was kann das heutige Europa aus der Geschichte vergangener Großmächte lernen? Luuk van Middelaar spricht darüber mit dem britischen Historiker Norman Davies anlässlich dessen 2011 erschienenen Werkes Vanished Kingdoms: The History of Half-Forgotten Europe. Die Diskussion findet auf Englisch statt, der Eintritt ist frei (Mittwoch, den …

