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Call for Papers [Paris, Deadline 05.09.2012]: Armed Forces in the Period of Decolonisation (1940-1975)

Das Deutsche Historische Institut Paris (DHIP) veranstaltet vom 22.11.-23.11.2012 einen Workshop zum Thema Armed Forces in the Period of Decolonisation (1940-1975):

„Recent years have seen a major resurgence in war studies taking the discipline far beyond the narrow confines of operational military history. This regeneration has resulted in classical military history being accompanied by social, economic and cultural history of warfare and societies at war. This has not only been evident in the English-speaking world, but has also been seen in continental Europe. This workshop aims to capitalise on these trends concentrating in particular on the social and cultural history of armed forces between 1940 and 1975.
In the immediate post-war period western European (in particular the British, Belgian, French, Dutch and Portuguese) armed forces went through similar experiences in their colonies as well as in their homelands. A comparative approach will allow us to not only to better understand the specific experience of their armed forces, but also to put this experience into a wider historical context.“ (Zitat aus dem Call for Papers des DHIP)

Die Abgabefrist für das Einreichen von Beitragsvorschlägen ist der 05.09.2012.

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