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  • Niederlandistik, Niederlande-, Belgien- und Luxemburgforschung
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Tagung (Bochum, 01.12.-03.12.2011): Third Transnational Rhine Conference

„After a lively kick-off conference in Rotterdam in November 2009 and a fruitful second conference in Frankfurt am M. in November 2010, a third Transnational Rhine Conference will be organized at the Institute for Social Movements-Ruhr University, Bochum. This next conference focuses on the move from coal to petrochemical feedstock of the Rhine Industry. It aims to explore the rise of an oil based economy and its consequences for the transnational economic region from Rotterdam to Basel from the 1950s up to the 1970s.“ (Zitat H-Soz-u-Kult, 08.11.2011)

Zu der  Tagung, die vom 01.12.-03.12.2011 im Institut für soziale Bewegungen (ISB) in Bochum stattfindet, werden mehrere Referenten aus den Niederlanden erwartet. Mehr Informationen …


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